They are part of EnezGreen’s family scenery for generations. Not so long ago, the islands economy was mainly based on fishing, farming and seaweed harvesting for some of them. If maritime heritage remains deeply rooted in today islands’lifestyle, tourism has grown along with environment’s conservation, which is the islands’ most valuable asset.
Committed to islands’ values and traditions, we aspire today to sustain this impetus that faces the challenges of transmission, promotion and renewal of this living island heritage.
Sources of Inspiration
They are part of our collective imagination ever since. If their legends have rocked our childhood, today EnezGreen travels worlwide, eager to discover the infinite variety of their landscapes and cultures. They emerge from the Indian Ocean, the Pacific, the Caribbean, the Iroise, the Highlands, the Mediterranean or the Baltic Seas and each time they bring us in a new universe. Passionate for nature and photography, our aim is to share share our wonder for their rich biodiversity.
Lost Paradise ?
They are among the most affected territories due to society and climate’s changes. However, it’s precisely on these small isolated pieces of land, where the voices of changement are rising up and where a lot of concrete sustainable initiatives are being created.
EnezGreen was launched with the will to make discover the islands’ universe with experts who inhabit and love them.
The islands’exchange platform
Though the website is fed since the beginning with team’s encounters on the field, the exchanges within islands’ lovers community are becoming increasingly important.In this context, EnezGreen stands out as an information and exchange platform for these exceptional maritime territories.
A selection of providers who live on the islands and love them
You can find in EnezGreen website a list of more than 300 activities providers suggesting : tank diving, snorkeling, hiking, kayaking, sailing and several others outdoors activities to do during your stay on or when approaching the island you have choosen. This list doesn’t match with usual travel operators or agencies criteria.
The experiences or contacts that have been collected during the EnezGreen worldwide trips are only suggested for speople who would find themselves in the same destinations during their own journey or who wants to organize a trip. It is everyone’s responsability to check before starting a trip if , in any destination and for any kind of activity, conditions are required to get the same quality of service than the one which is described in the EnezGreen website.
We suggest you to pay attention to the fact that several activities like: kayaking, snorkeling, tank diving, hiking, moutainering, surfing and all outdoors activities in general or all activities that place yourself in unusual situations, can be dangerous. For this reason we strongly recommand that you always ask activities providers to produce their certifications and therefore do the demonstration of their ability to operate safely in countries where certification and/or diplom are required by local authorities. If you intend to stay in a country where no certification and/or legal diplom are required by administration or local authorities we recommend that you have a serious discussion with activities providers to be able to understand the professional and safety conditions which will apply when you will experience the activity.
Further, notations which are linked to an activity provider are only an indication on time T ; consider that they can change at any time and that they will necessary change overtime. This is pertinent to previously contact an operator by e.mail or through social networks to check if the activity occurs with your requirements and if safety is guaranteed. Consider also that an operator most of the time manages a team of professionnals, be sure that the professional that will be with you when practicing the activity is also entitled to practice from a legal point of view. Diving with a marine biology doctor is great only if the doctor can also produce a diving diploma and is allowed to bring customers with him !
EnezGreen is not a tourism or transportation agency. Information included in the website is not necessarily updated periodically. You must carefully check if the service providers are still operational and contact them before any trip. Information can be collected from their websites and we can also help as far as we can through our e.mail address.
97% of photos found on EnezGreen.com are done by ourselves. They are shooted in each of EnezGreen.com destinations and with every EnezGreen.com services providers. Similarly animal pictures presented in the website are really linked to the destinations and to the providers presented through the EnezGreen.com website. If many of wild animals presented are under pressure and sometimes endangered as listed in the CITES file , you will have good chance to see them at the described locations.