EPLP UFC Que Choisir and recommend to the population not to consume marlin nor swordfish
In September 2011, after months of recovery and thanks to the tenacity of EPLP, the DAVAR finally released the ranalyzes’ results of mercury in pelagic fish made between 2005 and 2011. These analyzes show the very high contamination of certain species of pelagic fish, known contamination since 2005 and specifically raised by a mission of the Food and Veterinary Office of the European Commission in 2007.
In the European Union, pelagic fishes are prohibited from commercialization when their level of mercury contamination is greater than 1 mg/kg of meat
Since 2011, EPLP calls in vain for the government to enforce similar steps in New Caledonia: a single display (since 2015) on certain points of sale recommends that the population at risk (pregnant or nursing women, children under 30 months) not to eat swordfish and marlin. This communication is dangerous because it encourages other population groups to consume these species. EPLP unsuccessfully requested the government to ban the marketing of large pelagic fish with a higher contamination to 1 mg/kg of meat.
Because of withholding analyzes do not seem to be possible for financial reasons, and facing the measured level of contamination, EPLP and UFC require the immediate cessation of the commercialization of swordfish and marlin and any product containing transformation.